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Welcome to the family, Tigers! I know that some of you students might be apprehensive about going away to college. There's always the fear of making new friends, getting adjusted to classes, and for some of us...doing laundry for the first time. But have no fear because your Orientation Ambassadors are here! Your freshman year of college will be one of the most memorable years of your life, and we want to make that transition an easy one. Although you may have a lot of fears, there are also SO many things to be excited about! If you were like me, your first Clemson football game might be just a few months away or you might be about to meet your new best friend. Whatever the case is, there are so many things to look forward to when coming to Clemson, so below are a few things to help you prepare for your freshman experience.

After a long wait, you've finally received the famous "Tigertown Bound" now what?! Clemson's Accepted Student website provides you with all of the logistics needed to make sure you are an official enrolled student at the University. 

Getting involved in organizations is a great way to meet people! You should attend Tiger Prowl at the beginning of the school year. Almost all of Clemson's organizations are represented on Bowman on this day to answer any questions you may have, and to encourage you to sign up for them! 

Have you considered where you want to apply for housing? Clemson offers traditional and suite style residence halls for our freshmen. 

Are you worried about adjusting to college academics? Don't worry we've got a solution for that too! At Clemson we offer many tutoring options and other academic resources to make sure you're academically successful!

Academic Success


Steps to Getting Enrolled

Get Involved

Freshmen Students!

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